Friday, July 20, 2012

Spaghetti Face

Today I took off from work so that I can set her up at her new daycare, Chesterbrook Academy!
I love love love this preschool. In another post I'll talk all about it!

Aside from that, I took Aly to a developmental screening where they test the baby in different areas, as well as asking me questions on her behaviour and what she does regularly. As I expected, shes doing really well! The lady was actually surprised that she talks so much lol I guess thats the Cuban in her lol

Tune in tomorrow! I'm off to sleep. Aly is knocked out cold and its time for me to do the same, lol.
God bless!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First Timers: Beach Day!

The day of my birthday, my mom and I decided to take baby Ayleen to the beach for the first time!
We had breakfast there and then played in the sand for a few minutes. 

:) Sorry for not updating this often.
I'm trying my best!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pictures :)

We're Back!

We're excited to be back!!
Cant you tell??? lol

Since our last post, we have moved back to Pembroke Pines and we've reached several milestones (which will be posted soon.)

Ayleen is 8 months old now, with three teeth, sitting up and pushing herself around on all fours, baby talking and eating almost everything!

More updated pictures to come!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Babies & Ponytails.

Isn't this adorable? lol I left her for 5 minutes with her aunt and look what she did! haha it didn't even fall off, super cuuuuuute.

She loves her aunt though. Christynn just has to look at her and she just starts cracking up lol we say its cus shes funny looking lol but thats not true.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Overwhelming Love.

My princess is so gorgeous :) My cousin told me today that with every milestone they hit your love for them just grows and grows that it gets to the point that you dont know how more love can fir into your heart. And I'm already feeling that overwhelming love for her =)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Over Due.

I didnt post her video because I didnt have time to edit it but its all done now!
These are pictures/clips of her during her last month, when she was 3 months!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Although I'm a couple days late, this was taken on Sunday, when she turned 4 months old!
It was our first full day in Clermont, and we spent the day relaxing and having fun at home.

This past month she has been sticking her hand in her mouth, screaming in the highest pitch that can make your ears bleed, and she even recently has been grabbing her foot. 
She's growing quickly and I'm glad I can see everything.

Aunque estoy unos cuantos dias tarde, esta foto se tomo el Domingo, cuando cumplio 4 meses!
Fue nuestra primer dia completo en Clermont, y lo pasamos rico.

Este ultimo mes ella aprendio como meterse la mano a la boca, grita en un pito tan alto que casi hase que te sangren los oidos, y recientemente empeso a cojerse los pies.
Esta creciendo can rapido y estoy tan contenta que lo estoy viendo todo.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Time: Riding on a Plane!

It was my first time flying without my mom, or flying without an adult.
Oh yes & my baby girl did AMAZING. 
Didn't cry, not once!
Its soo difficult to board a plane with a baby!
I had a million things to hold and thank God other people saw I was having a difficult time so some asked me if I needed a hand, and trust me, I never said no lol
The flight was super short, by the time I could take her out of the car seat, I started feeding her but I didn't even get to finish before I had to put her back in! But heres a tip:
NEVER feed a baby on a plane unless its long enough for the baby to process the food completely!
Because when we started landing, she started throwing everything back out.

Era mi primer vuelo sin mi mama, y sin otro adulto.
Mi bebe lo hiso MUY BIEN.
No lloro ni una ves!
Pero me di cuenta que deficil es volar en avion con una bebe!
Tenia tantas cosas que cargar y gracias a Dios otra gente se dio cuenta y me ofrecio ayuda, y nunca dije que no jaja
El vuelo fue super corto, cuando pude sacarla de su asiento le empese a dar de comer pero no puede terminar antes que empesamos a aterrizar. 
NUNCA uno debe dar de comer a un bebe en un avion, solo si el vuelo dura suficiente tiempo para que el bebe repose bien la comida.
Porque cuando empesamos a aterrizar, la bebe emposo a vomitar la comida.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A rainy friday.

Today we went out with my mom, (when i say my, actually mean MY mom lol). We went to get a hair cut anddd get prepared for an interview that I have on Monday. It started pouring rain though!
Like you see in the picture, Ayleen loves putting her whole fist in her mouth lol i've posted several pictures like this one, its just so cute!

Hoy salimos con mi mama. Fuimos a cortarnos el pelo y prepararme para una entrevista que tengo el lunes. Emposo a diluviar mientras que estuvimos afuera!
Como ven en la foto, Ayleen le encanta poner la mano en su boca haha ya han visto otras fotos como esta pero es que es tan graciosa!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Its February !

This month theres a lot going on:
We start eating veggies,
we have family coming from Colombia,
its grandmas birthday,
and we'll turn 4 months old!

Next week we have our 4 month check up, which includes the next set of shots :(

Este mes hay muchas cosas que van a pasar:
Empesamos a comer vegetales,
tenemos familia que viene de Colombia,
es el cumpleanos de la abuela,
y cumplimos 4 meses!
La proxima semana tenemos el chequeo de los 4 meses, que incluya mas vacunas :(

Food Progress:
Today we started eating oatmeal cereal. She ate it so well, I think she really liked it! We did rice cereal for 5 days instead of 4 because I thought she was getting sick but she wasnt. I was totally paranoid!

 Hoy comimos avena por primera ves. Se lo comio muy bien, creo que le facino! Yo le di el cereal de arroz por 5 dias en ves de 4 porque crei que se estaba enfermando pero no.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Quote of the Week: Week 15

Quote of the Week:
"If your baby is "beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time," you're the grandma." 
- Theresa Bloomingdale

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Night time routine.

So every night we have a routine that we try our best to stick by. Doesn't mean this is the only thing that works or that there is a right or wrong way, but this is what works for me & Ayleen.

Todas las noches tenemos una rutina que tratamos de siempre cumplir. No quiero decir que esto es lo unico que funciona pero asi es que funciona para mi y Ayleen.

7 pm: Tummy time & play with toys while listening to music.
Tiempo boca abajo y jugamos con jugetes mientras escuchamos musica.
7:40 pm: Prepare her bath with warm water
Preparo su tina con agua tivia.
8 pm: Shes already undressed and I put her in her tub.
Ya le he quitado la ropa y la pongo en su tina.
8 pm - 8:20 pm: I give her bath.
Le doy su bano.
8:20 - 8:30 pm: I put her jammies on & brush her hair. I put her lullabies CD on and turn off the lights.
Le pongo la pijama y le peino el pelito. Le pongo su musica de dormir y apago las luces.
8:30 pm: I give her her bottle & then rock her till she falls asleep.
Le doy su ultima botella y la meso hasta que se duerme.

Shes usually sleeping by 9:30, but sometimes it may take longer.
:) what works for you?

Usualmente esta dormida ya para las 9:30, pero hay veces que toma mas tiempo.
:) que funciona para ti?

Friday, January 27, 2012

First Time & Milestone: Eating Solids!

My baby had her first, official meal today! She did so great and ate more of it than spitting it out :) And like most of her first timers, my mom did it! She was the one who fed her for the first time as well as the bath and all that good stuff.
Enjoy the video!

Mi bebe comio comida por primera ves hoy! Lo hiso muy bien y comio mas de lo que escupio. :) Y como muchas de las otras cosas que hiso por primera ver, mi mama fue la que se lo hiso! Ella fue la que le dio la comida por primera ves a Ayleen, como su primer bano y todas esas cositas.
Disfruten el video!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Picnik no More :(

So unfortunately, the program I use to edit my pictures will no longer be available after April. So I've been on the hunt for another one that offers me the similar if not better things than Picnik. I found one that is pretty similar.

Anyways, Ayleens been growing and her cheeks, like always, have been getting fatter. I just wanna bite them off :P Next week we may go to her Doctor for her next set of shots and start introducing solids.. yay!

Desafortunadamente, el programa que uso para arreglar mis fotos no va estar desponible despues de Abril. Entonces he buscado por otros programas que sea similar o mejor que el que he estado usando y encontre uno que me ha gustado.

Ayleen esta creciendo rapido y sus cachetes hasta mas! Son perfectos para morder :P La proxima semana tenemos la cita para mas vacunas y ojala empesemos las comidas!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Review: Aveeno Baby Shampoo

Essential Moisture Shampoo blends natural wheat and oat,m and vitamin E, with moisturizing ingredients to gently cleanse and condition hair.  This unique, easy to rinse formula leaves hair soft, smooth and easy to manage with a fresh, light fragrance.  Tear-free and allergy tested, it is even gentle enough for babies with sensitive skin.

the bottom line:

I give it 5 stars!
I've read in several articles that if you wash a babys head everyday then their scalp is going to get dry. Well, with this shampoo it doesnt happen. It doesnt bother my baby so its definitely tear-free and it really left her head smelly good =) Her hair is soft and her scalp is moisturized well.

Click Here to buy from

anything else you want a review for?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Can YOU fit your First in your Mouth?

So Ayleen continues to try to stick her whole fist into her mouth. She spends at least 30 minutes a day doing this. Sometimes I lay her down on the couch next to me and she'll spend minutes just fighting with herself to stick her whole fist in her mouth. :) Too cute!

Ayleen todavia esta empenada a meter su mano completa en su boca. Ella duro 30 minutos por lo menos al dia haciendo esto. Unas veces la acuesto al lado mio en el sofa y se queda entretenida por un raaaato tratando de meter su mano completa en su boca :) Que linda!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Quote of the Week: Week 14

Quote of the Week:

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity." 
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First Time: Meeting the Great Grandparents!

Yes, we took baby Ayleen to meet her great grandparents this past weekend! Great Grandpa couldnt be in any pictures unfortunately but Great Grandma loved her! And Ayleen loved her too, she was happy & smiling! Ayleen is her youngest great grandchild, the oldest being 5. Armando and I are definitely going to make an effort to take Ayleen at least once a month.

Si, llevamos a la bebe Ayleen a conocer sus bis abuelos! El bis abuelo no pudo estar en ninguna photo pero la bis abuela se enamoro! Y Ayleen tambien, estuvo bien contenta y sonriendo! Ayleen es la bis nieta mas pequena, el mas grande teniendo 5 anos. Armando y yo vamos a tratar de llevar a la nina una vez al mes.

With love from Great Grandparents,

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fat Cheeks.

So Ayleen has been a lot more awake lately. Shes moving, talking, smiling like crazy! Her cheeks are only getting bigger and bigger by the day, its so cute. Lately she's been eating a lot too so she just on time for when she hits 4 months to start eating. I'll definitely post a video of her first meal, which will be rice cereal =) I already have her high chair set up and everything!

Ayleen se ha mentenido mas despierta mas tiempo. Se esta moviendo, hablando, sonreindo como loco! Sus mejillas estan creciendo mas y mas cada dia, para comerselas! Tambien ha estado comiendo mucho. Entonces esta ha tiempo para que cuando cumpla los 4 meses pueda empesar a comer solidos. Voy a grabar su primer comida que sera cereal de arroz =) Ya tengo la silla de comer en su lugar!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Blue Ivy Carter.

Jay Z & Beyonce just had their baby girl,  Blue Ivy Carter. Just one day later Jay Z made this song for the baby. Check it out!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Milestone & First Time: Rolled Over (from tummy to back)

This precious baby rolled from her tummy to her back last night! She was playing with her dad while I was folding some of her clothes. When I turned to look at her, she was rolling over! She did it for us 2 times after that, but then after I think she got tired of doing it lol check it out!

Esta preciosura de bebe se voltio solita anoche! Estaba jugando con su papa mientras q yo ordenaba su ropa. Cuando me voltie a mirarlos, se estaba volteando! Lo volvio hacer dos veces despues pero entonces parece q se canzo de hacerla jaja.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wittle toes-ies.

My favorite body part of hers are her feet. Every time I see them I go crazy hahaha. They're just so cute and tiny! And I honestly hate feet.. touching looking.. I hate it! But hers? Ahhh I find them soo adorable I can't get over it. My favorite is when shes sleeping and a foot or her toes are peeking out from underneath the blanket :) 

Mi parte favorita de mi bebe son sus piesitos. Cada vez que los veo me vuelvo loca jaja. Son can lindo and chiquitos! Y en realidad yo odio pies en general .. tocando viendolos .. los odio! Pero las de ella? Ahhh me parecen tan bellos. Me encanta cuando esta durmiendo y su pie o deditos estan saliendo de debajo de la sabana :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Too Much Fun its Tiring.

So my baby girl falls asleep in her bouncer every now and then. She literally knocks out! Sometimes I put a blanket around her neck so its like a pillow. And sometimes, if I try to take her out to put her in her crib so she sleeps comfortably, she starts crying and doesnt wanna get out! Shes a silly girl :)

De ves en cuando, mi nina se queda dormida en este jugete. Se queda rendida! Unas veces le pongo un covertor al rededor del cuello para que sea como una almohada. Pero hay veces que si la trato de sacar, se pone a llorar y no quiere que la sace! Que chistosita :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sucker for a bottom lip sucker.

Ayleen has been growing up quickly. She has a million cute faces she makes and I love them all! 

Ayleen esta creciendo rapidito. Hace un millon de diferentes caras y las amo todas!

Apparently she realized her lower lip and spends 80% of her waking time sucking on it! Its super cute!
Aparentemente ella encontro su labio de abajo y dura 80% de su tiempo despierta chupandolo.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers