Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Its February !

This month theres a lot going on:
We start eating veggies,
we have family coming from Colombia,
its grandmas birthday,
and we'll turn 4 months old!

Next week we have our 4 month check up, which includes the next set of shots :(

Este mes hay muchas cosas que van a pasar:
Empesamos a comer vegetales,
tenemos familia que viene de Colombia,
es el cumpleanos de la abuela,
y cumplimos 4 meses!
La proxima semana tenemos el chequeo de los 4 meses, que incluya mas vacunas :(

Food Progress:
Today we started eating oatmeal cereal. She ate it so well, I think she really liked it! We did rice cereal for 5 days instead of 4 because I thought she was getting sick but she wasnt. I was totally paranoid!

 Hoy comimos avena por primera ves. Se lo comio muy bien, creo que le facino! Yo le di el cereal de arroz por 5 dias en ves de 4 porque crei que se estaba enfermando pero no.

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