Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Time: Riding on a Plane!

It was my first time flying without my mom, or flying without an adult.
Oh yes & my baby girl did AMAZING. 
Didn't cry, not once!
Its soo difficult to board a plane with a baby!
I had a million things to hold and thank God other people saw I was having a difficult time so some asked me if I needed a hand, and trust me, I never said no lol
The flight was super short, by the time I could take her out of the car seat, I started feeding her but I didn't even get to finish before I had to put her back in! But heres a tip:
NEVER feed a baby on a plane unless its long enough for the baby to process the food completely!
Because when we started landing, she started throwing everything back out.

Era mi primer vuelo sin mi mama, y sin otro adulto.
Mi bebe lo hiso MUY BIEN.
No lloro ni una ves!
Pero me di cuenta que deficil es volar en avion con una bebe!
Tenia tantas cosas que cargar y gracias a Dios otra gente se dio cuenta y me ofrecio ayuda, y nunca dije que no jaja
El vuelo fue super corto, cuando pude sacarla de su asiento le empese a dar de comer pero no puede terminar antes que empesamos a aterrizar. 
NUNCA uno debe dar de comer a un bebe en un avion, solo si el vuelo dura suficiente tiempo para que el bebe repose bien la comida.
Porque cuando empesamos a aterrizar, la bebe emposo a vomitar la comida.

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