Birth Story

It all started tuesday night, October 4th, at 6:00 PM. I was scheduled to be admitted into the hospital at 7, so I was getting everything ready and heading out the door with my boyfriend and my mom. I kept thinking, the next time I come back, I'll have my baby!
Before I knew it, it was 7 and I was already in my room, where I would be having my baby. The room was pretty big, it had a cool iPod dock and a flat screen TV. Anyhow, that is where I met the first nurse who took care of me, Claudia. She explained to me the process of being induced and how everything works. So we started right away, signing papers and beginning the first step of induction. At this point, I was just excited -- but little did I know what was to come. 
Anyways, she told me I could eat one last time. Then, I couldnt eat until after giving birth. So my mother in law brought me and my mom food from her home, and she bought MCDs for me and my boyfriend. On top of those two meals, the nurse brought me hospital food (which by the way, their hospital food is the BOMB). So I ate, or devoured the food. And then relaxed. My mom slept in the sofa bed, and my boyfriend slept on a big chunky chair. They switched back and forth during the night. Me? I didnt sleep. Even if I wanted to. The nurse constantly came in to check my babys heart beat and to see how things were going. 

October 5th, at 7 am, the pitocin was introduced to my body. This is what actually brings on labor. At around 10, my doctor came to break my water. At this point, I met my new nurse, Eileen! Yeahhh, coincidence that her and my baby have the same name? I think it was a sign from God that it was meant to be! Anyways, Around that time I started feeling contractions. Let me tell you, THEY SUCK! It got to the point where it was so bad, that I cried during the contractions. So I decided to get an epidural to stop the pain. Unfortunately, 2 hours later, I started feeling full force contractions again. Even though my legs where numb, the pain wasn't blocked and I could still lift my legs and wiggle my toes. The anesthesiologist said she'll give me another shot of the epidural. This time, she gave me more than before. So I got a double whammy of an epidural. After that, I didn't feel a thing! My legs where completely dead. This whole entire time, my baby was facing the wrong way. The nurse turned me several ways to try to help my baby position herself correctly, but she only turned half way. At 4ish, the nurse told me I was 9 cm dilated. I was super excited, and I started fixing myself up - did my hair and applied make up haha. At around 5, my boyfriend was starved. He asked the nurse if he had enough time to go downstairs and eat at the cafeteria. She said yes, most definitely. Well, my doctor came in about 10 minutes after he left and turned the baby herself! That's when it all began. My mom called my boyfriend desperately to have him run back, and trust me - he did. I started pushing, thankfully not feeling anything but pressure. Lets just say after 30 minutes of pushing, Ayleen was born at 5:59 PM.

Ayleen Raquel Vazquez
7.12 lbs - 21.5 cm

My mom was there through it all. She never left my side, and I couldnt thank her enough. 

Heres a Baby Ayleen photo mash up!

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