Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First Time: Meeting the Great Grandparents!

Yes, we took baby Ayleen to meet her great grandparents this past weekend! Great Grandpa couldnt be in any pictures unfortunately but Great Grandma loved her! And Ayleen loved her too, she was happy & smiling! Ayleen is her youngest great grandchild, the oldest being 5. Armando and I are definitely going to make an effort to take Ayleen at least once a month.

Si, llevamos a la bebe Ayleen a conocer sus bis abuelos! El bis abuelo no pudo estar en ninguna photo pero la bis abuela se enamoro! Y Ayleen tambien, estuvo bien contenta y sonriendo! Ayleen es la bis nieta mas pequena, el mas grande teniendo 5 anos. Armando y yo vamos a tratar de llevar a la nina una vez al mes.

With love from Great Grandparents,

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