Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Although I'm a couple days late, this was taken on Sunday, when she turned 4 months old!
It was our first full day in Clermont, and we spent the day relaxing and having fun at home.

This past month she has been sticking her hand in her mouth, screaming in the highest pitch that can make your ears bleed, and she even recently has been grabbing her foot. 
She's growing quickly and I'm glad I can see everything.

Aunque estoy unos cuantos dias tarde, esta foto se tomo el Domingo, cuando cumplio 4 meses!
Fue nuestra primer dia completo en Clermont, y lo pasamos rico.

Este ultimo mes ella aprendio como meterse la mano a la boca, grita en un pito tan alto que casi hase que te sangren los oidos, y recientemente empeso a cojerse los pies.
Esta creciendo can rapido y estoy tan contenta que lo estoy viendo todo.

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