Saturday, January 28, 2012

Night time routine.

So every night we have a routine that we try our best to stick by. Doesn't mean this is the only thing that works or that there is a right or wrong way, but this is what works for me & Ayleen.

Todas las noches tenemos una rutina que tratamos de siempre cumplir. No quiero decir que esto es lo unico que funciona pero asi es que funciona para mi y Ayleen.

7 pm: Tummy time & play with toys while listening to music.
Tiempo boca abajo y jugamos con jugetes mientras escuchamos musica.
7:40 pm: Prepare her bath with warm water
Preparo su tina con agua tivia.
8 pm: Shes already undressed and I put her in her tub.
Ya le he quitado la ropa y la pongo en su tina.
8 pm - 8:20 pm: I give her bath.
Le doy su bano.
8:20 - 8:30 pm: I put her jammies on & brush her hair. I put her lullabies CD on and turn off the lights.
Le pongo la pijama y le peino el pelito. Le pongo su musica de dormir y apago las luces.
8:30 pm: I give her her bottle & then rock her till she falls asleep.
Le doy su ultima botella y la meso hasta que se duerme.

Shes usually sleeping by 9:30, but sometimes it may take longer.
:) what works for you?

Usualmente esta dormida ya para las 9:30, pero hay veces que toma mas tiempo.
:) que funciona para ti?

1 comment:

  1. Perfect skydiving position... I think I've found my adrenaline rush junkie partner!!!!


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