Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fat Cheeks.

So Ayleen has been a lot more awake lately. Shes moving, talking, smiling like crazy! Her cheeks are only getting bigger and bigger by the day, its so cute. Lately she's been eating a lot too so she just on time for when she hits 4 months to start eating. I'll definitely post a video of her first meal, which will be rice cereal =) I already have her high chair set up and everything!

Ayleen se ha mentenido mas despierta mas tiempo. Se esta moviendo, hablando, sonreindo como loco! Sus mejillas estan creciendo mas y mas cada dia, para comerselas! Tambien ha estado comiendo mucho. Entonces esta ha tiempo para que cuando cumpla los 4 meses pueda empesar a comer solidos. Voy a grabar su primer comida que sera cereal de arroz =) Ya tengo la silla de comer en su lugar!

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