Monday, June 27, 2011

11 days away.

June literally FLEW by, so fast.

LIFE: in 11 days, we'll be moving into our new apartment. i cannot wait!!! we'll have our own space, air conditioning, good smells, my own bathroom!! i'll actually have a place for my things rather than having them on the floor like they are now lol sounds like heaven right now to me lol im super psyched. we'll be closer to our jobs now too so we dont have to drive 30 minutes to and from work - more like 30 seconds now! ahhhh:D im definitely doing a video tour, one when the apartment is empty and one when its fully furnished and decorated. LOOVE ITT:D
but like always, the only downside of this all is my lovely Missy who i'll have to train and make sure she doesnt pee on the carpet or rip up the furniture like the jeans she ripped up a couple days ago!

BABY: her official name (for now) is Aileen Raquel Vazquez. i had chosen Aileen Jireh at first, but everyone always has a problem pronouncing Jireh. I know how frustrating and annoying that is, cus my last name was the only i ever got made fun of in school. and, it sucks. therefore i stuck to giving her my first name instead :) do you like? comment me about it!
on another note, shes very active! i feel her squirming around in my stomach constantly. i love it. what i dont love, however, are the 15 lbs i've gained. yeah, its only 15 says a lot of moms but they look and feel like 100 - seriously -__- i cant wait to meet her though. i constantly day dream about the day where i'll have to call my mom and say "im on my way to the hospital. shes coming." intenssseeee lol

BUSINESS: work is work. once i move and have my own personal station for my beauty products, i will start making videos, tutorials, hauls, reviews - all that good stuff. will start doing freelance in makeup and skin care and start getting sponsored by well established companies. gotta get that extra cashhhh , and what better why than doing what i love.

anyways, sorry about the long delay in posting a new blog. im just so ready to move and thats like all thats on my mind right now. and the baby (duh).

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