Sunday, June 5, 2011


im currently watching the heat game, and im stressing for them to win!

anyways, today was long, tiring, but productive. helped my mom pack up the rest of our apartment, i packed all of my stuff too. armando was complaining about how i wanted to keep everything lol but i really ended up throwing a lot of stuff away. now im just super excited for July 10th, when armando and i move into our own apartment. it will be very interesting decorating it and having to cook and clean for ourselves. it'll be fun though, im suuper pumped.

as for my babygirl, shes growing =) kicking and all. the more active i am, the calmer she is though. and then when i lay down to rest, she starts showing off lol i cant wait to decorate her nursery and have her here in my arms.

Missy (our dog) is gonna be a pain though. she needs to learn to sleep in her own bed, be confined to the kitchen while we're out, and being on a leash to go outside and pee. shes gonna get hit harder w the change than anyone else!

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