Monday, August 8, 2011

busy bee.

I havent posted in quite a while, a month maybe?

well i moved!! i finally got settled, although the babys room still needs a lot of work. this past weekend i had cable and internet installed (finally) and everything is unpacked and put away. just needs some decorating and stuff. :)

missy has been great! she hasnt done any disasters, and shes only pee'd on the carpet TWICE! she used to pee in the house more than twice a day at my mother in laws house, but now we're thinking she was just being territorial because my mother in laws dog also stopped peeing inside her house. interesting huh?

our neighbors are real nice too. super friendly. so im really glad! the only sucky thing about the complex is there are no guest parking around my apartment. its so frustrating to our guests! also, we have a huge lake in the back. armando goes fishing all the time, if it where for him hed sleep next to the lake everyday lol but thats his relaxing technique or whatever, so i try not to complain.

Shes kicking like crazy. ive been having cramps, and feeling very sick lately too. everything i eat makes me wanna throw up or just gives me a deadly stomach ache. I cant wait for her to come out though. im super excited to meet her and see her little face :)

work is work. like always. at the spa my responsibilities have changed, meaning my pay has too - and not in a good way. but im planning on fixing that.

aside from that, im still trying to do my own thing. just dont have all the materials i need but im hoping the income will come to help me get the programs and material i need to do what i have in mind. make up, marketing, photography, all that good stuff.

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