Thursday, June 2, 2011


Changed my blog site. Word press is a little too complicated, and it didn't let me customize much of anything - w a c k.

- apparently my tire did well with just the air we put in it last night. its still standing today. i neeed to buy new tires though, asap. agh! more expense. i'm stressing man, i need to win the lotto. ha!

i just recently went to my nephews graduation- it was so cute. my nephew walked down the aisle so nicely, and he preformed amazingly! they sang some songs and stuff. it was so great, i'm super happy i went. for some reason i feel really attached to him. its like ive fallen in love with the boy. (normal, family love- dont get it twisted!) hes really growing up fast and i really pray and hope that he doesn't mess up like i have in my life.
as for his sister, shes a gem. i love her so much also and shes super cute and funny. its a real shame that i dont spend much time with my nieces from chicago, but like always they hold a special place. i know the older one is so smart and talented and nothing gets by her! lol i hope they all get along with my baby girl. but anyways, heres some pictures of his graduation. mind you- the quality is crap cus it was taken from my phone.
[ the first one is my wallpaper on my phone (: ]

on another note, i am STILL waiting on the apartment complex to tell me how much the deposit will be. (talk about adding to the stress). i'm constantly day dreaming about moving there and just having my own place. my own bathroom. a freaking closet! lol but i'm still grateful of my in-laws. they've taken me in with them like if i was just another daughter, they're great. 

so stay posted guys- i will post immediately after i get a call from the apartment complex.

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