Friday, June 17, 2011


so I got (and accepted) a job offer at a marketing company. I would be helping the owner with business relations as well as editing/creating pictures and/or videos and also creating brochures for different companies. I'm really excited to get my new camera for this.

Another reason for the camera is to start vloging (video blogs) and doing how-to videos :) I'm working with a friend in opening a small business on the side. I will not go into details until its all said and done, which will be within the next two months.

A lot of doors are opening for me and I'm very excited to see where they lead me. With a baby on the way, I have more of a reason to establish myself ignoring the fact that I'm really young and still have a lot to learn.

now playing : Carrie Underwood - Unapologize

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