Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Flat Tire.

This would happen to me -__-
*sigh* , at least I'm not stranded in the middle of no where. Rodney, our friend from school, is gonna help me get it fixed. Temporarily, but hey, that's what I need.
Armandos boss got my baby some really cute shoes :) baby crocks!

My boss, Marilyn, is out in Vegas. Lucky her! So now Monica, German and I are really being put to the test. Running the spa without her, aahhhhh! But its fun and exciting at the same time. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

Well, I'm still waiting for a call from the apartment complex where we applied at telling us how much deposit we have to give. I'm praying for the cheapest one. But, its in Gods hands now!

Blaaa. I can't wait to meet my baby in october! Or, whenever she decides to pop out! My oh myyy I can't wait. I love her so much already, I can't even imagine how it'll feel actually holding her. Her shower should be sometime in august. And if all goes well with the apartment, her bedroom should be set up by then. So many changes happening. Its overwhelming sometimes, but I gotta live with what I've put myself into. FYI: I'm not complaining about my baby, but I'm just saying- I tried to grow up to fast. Doesn't everyone?

Yes, we all did.

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