Monday, June 27, 2011

11 days away.

June literally FLEW by, so fast.

LIFE: in 11 days, we'll be moving into our new apartment. i cannot wait!!! we'll have our own space, air conditioning, good smells, my own bathroom!! i'll actually have a place for my things rather than having them on the floor like they are now lol sounds like heaven right now to me lol im super psyched. we'll be closer to our jobs now too so we dont have to drive 30 minutes to and from work - more like 30 seconds now! ahhhh:D im definitely doing a video tour, one when the apartment is empty and one when its fully furnished and decorated. LOOVE ITT:D
but like always, the only downside of this all is my lovely Missy who i'll have to train and make sure she doesnt pee on the carpet or rip up the furniture like the jeans she ripped up a couple days ago!

BABY: her official name (for now) is Aileen Raquel Vazquez. i had chosen Aileen Jireh at first, but everyone always has a problem pronouncing Jireh. I know how frustrating and annoying that is, cus my last name was the only i ever got made fun of in school. and, it sucks. therefore i stuck to giving her my first name instead :) do you like? comment me about it!
on another note, shes very active! i feel her squirming around in my stomach constantly. i love it. what i dont love, however, are the 15 lbs i've gained. yeah, its only 15 says a lot of moms but they look and feel like 100 - seriously -__- i cant wait to meet her though. i constantly day dream about the day where i'll have to call my mom and say "im on my way to the hospital. shes coming." intenssseeee lol

BUSINESS: work is work. once i move and have my own personal station for my beauty products, i will start making videos, tutorials, hauls, reviews - all that good stuff. will start doing freelance in makeup and skin care and start getting sponsored by well established companies. gotta get that extra cashhhh , and what better why than doing what i love.

anyways, sorry about the long delay in posting a new blog. im just so ready to move and thats like all thats on my mind right now. and the baby (duh).

Friday, June 17, 2011


so I got (and accepted) a job offer at a marketing company. I would be helping the owner with business relations as well as editing/creating pictures and/or videos and also creating brochures for different companies. I'm really excited to get my new camera for this.

Another reason for the camera is to start vloging (video blogs) and doing how-to videos :) I'm working with a friend in opening a small business on the side. I will not go into details until its all said and done, which will be within the next two months.

A lot of doors are opening for me and I'm very excited to see where they lead me. With a baby on the way, I have more of a reason to establish myself ignoring the fact that I'm really young and still have a lot to learn.

now playing : Carrie Underwood - Unapologize

Sunday, June 12, 2011

the big move, 1

we moved alll my moms furniture to a storage (as in we, i mean my bro, armando, and 2 of my moms friends). I just sat there -__- cus im pregnant and cant rly do any heavy lifting. Well, the point is i got so tired like if i was working lol now when i move into my new place we (really they) have to do it allll over again. that will be the big move, 2 (duh).

anyways, i wanted to do an outfit of the day. but in the morning we were in a rush, and when we got back it was raining outside and by that time my hair was all over the place too lol soo till next weekend!

Heat game tonight, win or loose? well, we BETTER win. if not, its going down and i will personally go whoop their behinds. seriously. (well, not really buut :D)

video coming soooon. gonna do a haul about my latest purchases :) wooop.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


im currently watching the heat game, and im stressing for them to win!

anyways, today was long, tiring, but productive. helped my mom pack up the rest of our apartment, i packed all of my stuff too. armando was complaining about how i wanted to keep everything lol but i really ended up throwing a lot of stuff away. now im just super excited for July 10th, when armando and i move into our own apartment. it will be very interesting decorating it and having to cook and clean for ourselves. it'll be fun though, im suuper pumped.

as for my babygirl, shes growing =) kicking and all. the more active i am, the calmer she is though. and then when i lay down to rest, she starts showing off lol i cant wait to decorate her nursery and have her here in my arms.

Missy (our dog) is gonna be a pain though. she needs to learn to sleep in her own bed, be confined to the kitchen while we're out, and being on a leash to go outside and pee. shes gonna get hit harder w the change than anyone else!

Friday, June 3, 2011

woop woop.

finally, i was accepted into the apartment complex. now i really have to get myself together, and grow up.

this is not a joke.
yayy for mee!!!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Changed my blog site. Word press is a little too complicated, and it didn't let me customize much of anything - w a c k.

- apparently my tire did well with just the air we put in it last night. its still standing today. i neeed to buy new tires though, asap. agh! more expense. i'm stressing man, i need to win the lotto. ha!

i just recently went to my nephews graduation- it was so cute. my nephew walked down the aisle so nicely, and he preformed amazingly! they sang some songs and stuff. it was so great, i'm super happy i went. for some reason i feel really attached to him. its like ive fallen in love with the boy. (normal, family love- dont get it twisted!) hes really growing up fast and i really pray and hope that he doesn't mess up like i have in my life.
as for his sister, shes a gem. i love her so much also and shes super cute and funny. its a real shame that i dont spend much time with my nieces from chicago, but like always they hold a special place. i know the older one is so smart and talented and nothing gets by her! lol i hope they all get along with my baby girl. but anyways, heres some pictures of his graduation. mind you- the quality is crap cus it was taken from my phone.
[ the first one is my wallpaper on my phone (: ]

on another note, i am STILL waiting on the apartment complex to tell me how much the deposit will be. (talk about adding to the stress). i'm constantly day dreaming about moving there and just having my own place. my own bathroom. a freaking closet! lol but i'm still grateful of my in-laws. they've taken me in with them like if i was just another daughter, they're great. 

so stay posted guys- i will post immediately after i get a call from the apartment complex.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Flat Tire.

This would happen to me -__-
*sigh* , at least I'm not stranded in the middle of no where. Rodney, our friend from school, is gonna help me get it fixed. Temporarily, but hey, that's what I need.
Armandos boss got my baby some really cute shoes :) baby crocks!

My boss, Marilyn, is out in Vegas. Lucky her! So now Monica, German and I are really being put to the test. Running the spa without her, aahhhhh! But its fun and exciting at the same time. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

Well, I'm still waiting for a call from the apartment complex where we applied at telling us how much deposit we have to give. I'm praying for the cheapest one. But, its in Gods hands now!

Blaaa. I can't wait to meet my baby in october! Or, whenever she decides to pop out! My oh myyy I can't wait. I love her so much already, I can't even imagine how it'll feel actually holding her. Her shower should be sometime in august. And if all goes well with the apartment, her bedroom should be set up by then. So many changes happening. Its overwhelming sometimes, but I gotta live with what I've put myself into. FYI: I'm not complaining about my baby, but I'm just saying- I tried to grow up to fast. Doesn't everyone?

Yes, we all did.
Lilypie First Birthday tickers