Wednesday, August 31, 2011

baby shower #2

so i started school this past week. Keiser University, going for my BA in business administration - focusing on management. i'm taking the classes online, and so far, i love it. i should've done online my whole life! lol my current class is intro to psychology. its so very interesting, and funny enough, the second chapter we're studying is about human development. the influence parents have on babies and how different situations affect them. also the full human life spectrum, the milestone or turning points in life and how each one has some sort of "crisis" we have to face. it's very beneficial, since i will be having my baby soon =)

well, august 20th i had my official baby shower. thankfully the most important people came (except my sister, which she couldnt cus she lives far and is coming after the baby is born.) i had a great time, got lots of gifts for ayleen, and pretty much completed the essentials i needed. i have a lot of diapers and wipes, and clothes!!!! she has more clothes than me, unbelievable!

soooo, i dont know if im just anxious and inpatient, but i have a strong feeling ill be going into labor soon. it started since yesterday morning. i just started thinking oh man i have a feeling shes coming out real soon! yesterday was the first time that i had so much pelvic bone pressure that i could barely breathe! i've literally felt her digging her way down, past my bones and stuff. its nerve wrecking but i really hope she comes soon! im SO ready to see her and hug her and kiss her and touch her and be with her! her nursery, for the most part, is ready. she has her essentials. i just need to decorate it more. the walls are so plain =/ and i need to buy a lamp cus unfortunatley that room has no light. but its ready for her =) and im ready to have her! ive been going back and forth, trying to decide whether i want pain medication or not, i just dont want her to receive any drugs in her system, especially so early in life!

nursery pictures will be up soon :)

im not working anymore. honestly, since i stopped, ive felt so much better! i havent had any pains in my uterus, ive felt so much more happy and calm. you'd never expect a freaking spa to be so stressful. but its not so much the environment, but the people you have to spend the day with! geeeez. anyways, im going to try to work from home somehow for now. and come january, i will force myself into the memorial healthcare system, and work there until i die or win the lottery. hah.

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