Wednesday, August 10, 2011

baby shower #1

Honestly, its great. today i made the best pasta EVER. and armando LOVED it. lol. my cooking skills have gotten better, which is good, although armando said he's going to cook on friday - we'll see how that goes. i've been pretty energized, although stressed. but everythings going smoothly. a little tough, but smooth anyways.

i think she was sitting on a nerve, cus i couldnt move at all without this really bad shooting pain on my left side. i layed down on my right side for a while and it went away.
i need to get her room ready though. armando keeps saying he'll talk to his friend to see if we can borrow his truck to bring the crib and changing table from my brothers house, but idk if its armando not talking to him or him just not responding. i swear, im gonna go into labor and her room wont be ready. LAME.
so monica, one of my coworkers and girl i've been very close with in elementary school, decided to plan a baby shower for me at work since shes not allowed to go to my shower (unfortunatley my boss doesnt have a heart and is forcing her to work on the day of my actual shower.) on top of that, my other boss is going to be out of the country too and my other coworker is going out of town, so really only one person from my job is going to my real shower.
any ways, monica planned a mini baby shower at work. it was a surprise actually lol i almost cried. they bought pastries, a cookie cake, and cassandra made the best chicken type dip thing -- so yummy. my boss' and the girl stephanie who wont be coming to my shower also got me some real nice gifts. i underestimated them actually, didnt think they'd think of me that much. especially stephanie since shes new and we just met like 2 weeks ago. she got my baby the cutest clothes :) and my boss, marilyn and her husband, got me diapers, bottles, and breast pump. :) monica and cassandra said they'd give me their gifts the day of the baby shower. (monica is meeting me at my apartment that night.) regardless, aside from the gifts, it was just nice that they took the time to spend time with me since most of them wont be at my real shower. :) other than all that, work is work and im trying to make it better. the transition once the baby is here is going to be complicated but my baby comes before anything.

in the end, im happy. satisfied. and super freaking excited to meet my baby. im officially 8 months today. 32 weeks. ahhhhh. (:

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