Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Babies & Ponytails.

Isn't this adorable? lol I left her for 5 minutes with her aunt and look what she did! haha it didn't even fall off, super cuuuuuute.

She loves her aunt though. Christynn just has to look at her and she just starts cracking up lol we say its cus shes funny looking lol but thats not true.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Overwhelming Love.

My princess is so gorgeous :) My cousin told me today that with every milestone they hit your love for them just grows and grows that it gets to the point that you dont know how more love can fir into your heart. And I'm already feeling that overwhelming love for her =)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Over Due.

I didnt post her video because I didnt have time to edit it but its all done now!
These are pictures/clips of her during her last month, when she was 3 months!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Although I'm a couple days late, this was taken on Sunday, when she turned 4 months old!
It was our first full day in Clermont, and we spent the day relaxing and having fun at home.

This past month she has been sticking her hand in her mouth, screaming in the highest pitch that can make your ears bleed, and she even recently has been grabbing her foot. 
She's growing quickly and I'm glad I can see everything.

Aunque estoy unos cuantos dias tarde, esta foto se tomo el Domingo, cuando cumplio 4 meses!
Fue nuestra primer dia completo en Clermont, y lo pasamos rico.

Este ultimo mes ella aprendio como meterse la mano a la boca, grita en un pito tan alto que casi hase que te sangren los oidos, y recientemente empeso a cojerse los pies.
Esta creciendo can rapido y estoy tan contenta que lo estoy viendo todo.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Time: Riding on a Plane!

It was my first time flying without my mom, or flying without an adult.
Oh yes & my baby girl did AMAZING. 
Didn't cry, not once!
Its soo difficult to board a plane with a baby!
I had a million things to hold and thank God other people saw I was having a difficult time so some asked me if I needed a hand, and trust me, I never said no lol
The flight was super short, by the time I could take her out of the car seat, I started feeding her but I didn't even get to finish before I had to put her back in! But heres a tip:
NEVER feed a baby on a plane unless its long enough for the baby to process the food completely!
Because when we started landing, she started throwing everything back out.

Era mi primer vuelo sin mi mama, y sin otro adulto.
Mi bebe lo hiso MUY BIEN.
No lloro ni una ves!
Pero me di cuenta que deficil es volar en avion con una bebe!
Tenia tantas cosas que cargar y gracias a Dios otra gente se dio cuenta y me ofrecio ayuda, y nunca dije que no jaja
El vuelo fue super corto, cuando pude sacarla de su asiento le empese a dar de comer pero no puede terminar antes que empesamos a aterrizar. 
NUNCA uno debe dar de comer a un bebe en un avion, solo si el vuelo dura suficiente tiempo para que el bebe repose bien la comida.
Porque cuando empesamos a aterrizar, la bebe emposo a vomitar la comida.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A rainy friday.

Today we went out with my mom, (when i say my, actually mean MY mom lol). We went to get a hair cut anddd get prepared for an interview that I have on Monday. It started pouring rain though!
Like you see in the picture, Ayleen loves putting her whole fist in her mouth lol i've posted several pictures like this one, its just so cute!

Hoy salimos con mi mama. Fuimos a cortarnos el pelo y prepararme para una entrevista que tengo el lunes. Emposo a diluviar mientras que estuvimos afuera!
Como ven en la foto, Ayleen le encanta poner la mano en su boca haha ya han visto otras fotos como esta pero es que es tan graciosa!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Its February !

This month theres a lot going on:
We start eating veggies,
we have family coming from Colombia,
its grandmas birthday,
and we'll turn 4 months old!

Next week we have our 4 month check up, which includes the next set of shots :(

Este mes hay muchas cosas que van a pasar:
Empesamos a comer vegetales,
tenemos familia que viene de Colombia,
es el cumpleanos de la abuela,
y cumplimos 4 meses!
La proxima semana tenemos el chequeo de los 4 meses, que incluya mas vacunas :(

Food Progress:
Today we started eating oatmeal cereal. She ate it so well, I think she really liked it! We did rice cereal for 5 days instead of 4 because I thought she was getting sick but she wasnt. I was totally paranoid!

 Hoy comimos avena por primera ves. Se lo comio muy bien, creo que le facino! Yo le di el cereal de arroz por 5 dias en ves de 4 porque crei que se estaba enfermando pero no.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers