Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Toys we Love!

 We got this mobile from babies r us. Its not part of the crib bedding set but its amazing. It has 3 setting for music volume: loud, medium, and mute. And as for the action of the mobile animals, they move and rotate. You can choose for them to light up or for the mobile to project stars onto the ceiling of the room. Ill take pictures and update them so you see exactly what it does.
Click Here to buy from target.

 This was a gift from my baby shower. its a pad to lay her for tummy time that comes with toys attached. in the picture shes not positioned correctly because she still cant keep her head up for a long time. a minute at most. but as she grows and learns how to hold her head up she can be on the pillow and play with the toys.
Click Here to buy from target.

In this bouncer she can only be in for a little time because, again, she cant hold her head up for a long time. So she ends up getting tired and her head will fall in every direction. But when she is in it, she loves beeing bounced and hearing the different sounds the toys make. When she bounces, the music turns on. Its pretty cool. Ill make a better update on this once shes able to play in it on her own.
Click Here to buy from target.

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