Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tummy time!

Toys we Love!

 We got this mobile from babies r us. Its not part of the crib bedding set but its amazing. It has 3 setting for music volume: loud, medium, and mute. And as for the action of the mobile animals, they move and rotate. You can choose for them to light up or for the mobile to project stars onto the ceiling of the room. Ill take pictures and update them so you see exactly what it does.
Click Here to buy from target.

 This was a gift from my baby shower. its a pad to lay her for tummy time that comes with toys attached. in the picture shes not positioned correctly because she still cant keep her head up for a long time. a minute at most. but as she grows and learns how to hold her head up she can be on the pillow and play with the toys.
Click Here to buy from target.

In this bouncer she can only be in for a little time because, again, she cant hold her head up for a long time. So she ends up getting tired and her head will fall in every direction. But when she is in it, she loves beeing bounced and hearing the different sounds the toys make. When she bounces, the music turns on. Its pretty cool. Ill make a better update on this once shes able to play in it on her own.
Click Here to buy from target.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Angel from heaven.

Shes an angel. (:
This photo was about 2 or 3 weeks ago, meaning she was like 5 weeks. She looks so peaceful sleeping. and i love how she sleeps with her arms up like that. i love her!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Milestone: Ear Piercing

Yes, this is true, we got our ears pierced!
Its funny cus for some odd reason I dont use earings a lot.. but my baby will! lol They put a red dot on each ear first to make sure i liked the position and that they were even. First was the left ear, then the right. My poor baby :( it was so sad seeing her cry!

 She cried reeeally hard for about 2 minutes (like in the first photo). 
then the rest of the time she was just sad and making real sad faces (like in the picture below.)

Stay tuned for the next milestone... hopefully real soon!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Review: Dr.Browns Natural Flow Bottles
"Created by a physician, Dr. Brown's Natural Flow baby bottles feature a patented internal vent system that helps reduce colic, spit-up, burping and gas. The positive pressure design allows babies to feed comfortably, because the vent system eliminates the air bubbles and vacuum. All parts are dishwasher safe."
On several sites, these bottles are highly rated and highly recommended. 

Soo my baby has always used these bottles, since she was born. The particular one in the picture is the 4 oz one. My ex boss was the one who recommended them to me. And since I had no idea which bottle brand to pick, I chose this one.

BPA free
reduces air bubbles
helps my baby feed better
nipple flow is perfect for her age
comes with a small cleaning brush

a lot of parts to clean
milk easily spills out

the bottom line:
I give it a good 3.5 stars.
It really is wonderful at reducing colic and does not make my baby gassy. I really don't mind the many parts to clean but I do mind the milk spilling out. I had it right side up in my diaper bag and while I was driving it still spilled out. Left a big stain on my chair cus formula doesn't come off easy. If you dont mind milk spilling everywhere, this is the perfect bottle!

stay tuned for more reviews!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

First Time: Wearing a Dress

Today Ayleen wore her first dress :)
It was given to her by her aunt and it has winnie the pooh in the bottom.. which you cant see.

She was hungry and mad when I took the picture, as you can see lol

She officially sleeps the night. from 11 pm - 630 am. its wonderful! I thank God for giving me such a good behaving baby. Makes her even more perfect. And shes only like a month and a half old. :D

Bye Dolls!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First Time: Wearing Shoes

How much cuter can this be?
My baby has grown so quickly that theres even shoes that she didnt get to wear. I got so mad when I missed them :(

Shes growing so quickly but so perfectly. Shes a lot more aware now and actually looks at you in the eyes now. She came out with my eyes :)
Kind of cross eyed, but hey its normal for newborns!

here she was only two weeks old! with her auntiee.

She loves making funny faces.. actually I dont even think she notices. lol

Till next time!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Milestone: Officially Sleeping Through the Night

Such an amazing bbaby, i swear!
I usually sleep from 11pm-6am. WOW! At only a little over 1 month and she sleep so well :)
Im very blessed, seriously.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The big number: 1.

Its funny.. the big number 1. This number is actually the smallest, but when it comes to this, its huge. And 1 year old is even bigger. It may be the biggest age ever, dont you think? This past month I've gotten to know her, and shes gotten to know me. We have a routine and we stick to it. She's been such a cute and well behaved baby.. i hope it never changes. I pray for her health and well being everyday and I know God will bless her always.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers