Sunday, September 25, 2011

anxious, nervous, and excited!

I cannot wait until I get my post-partum body back! Once my baby comes out, my goal is to be fit by christmas, latest new years. I'm so tired of my maternity clothes. I havent been able to spend all the money I want on maternity clothes because, lets face it, I wont be wearing them again in a whiiile. So, why spend money on it? I certainly have other expenses that I have. Plus, here in Miami, people dont get paid much- like in L.A or something. Wages and salaries suck unless your a lawyer or a doctor or if you dont have a family and home to support. lol - NOT complaining -- just saying :)

I cant wait till she comes! I'm officially 38 weeks and 4 days. So, she can be coming anytime soon! :D

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