Wednesday, September 28, 2011

birth scheduled!

Yesterday I had my weekly follow up appointment with my doctor. I havent progressed at all since last week, which made me really mad! But we decided that if I don't go into labor naturally by next tuesday, then she is going to induce me. Its set up for tuesday october 4th at 7:30 pm! She said I'll end up giving birth on wednesday, which is my exact due date.

Im super pumped. At least I know that I'll have her in my arms by then.. but I'm still hoping in going into natural labor before then. We will see =) We scheduled it for that day not only because my doctor will for sure be there, but because my hubby will be there with no problem also. His boss wont let him leave his job if I go into labor on a day that they see patients (he works with a pediatrician) since hes the only one at his job that can do his job. So its super sucky. Luckily, they dont see patients on wednesdays sooo, he'll be able to ditch work :) A lot of people say , well he should leave anyways! its the birth of his first daughter! well yeah, but right now he cant risk loosing his job. I pretty much dont have a job and we have expenses! more so when the baby is born.. so yeah.
Thats the update :D !!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

anxious, nervous, and excited!

I cannot wait until I get my post-partum body back! Once my baby comes out, my goal is to be fit by christmas, latest new years. I'm so tired of my maternity clothes. I havent been able to spend all the money I want on maternity clothes because, lets face it, I wont be wearing them again in a whiiile. So, why spend money on it? I certainly have other expenses that I have. Plus, here in Miami, people dont get paid much- like in L.A or something. Wages and salaries suck unless your a lawyer or a doctor or if you dont have a family and home to support. lol - NOT complaining -- just saying :)

I cant wait till she comes! I'm officially 38 weeks and 4 days. So, she can be coming anytime soon! :D

baby ayleens nursery!

All the furniture is in its place.
I just need to finish decorating (curtains, wall decor, etc.)

 Entrance to Ayleens room:


Changing table (door to her closet on the left):

Paintings that armando and I painted at a painting class. I did the A and he did the V:

My aunt stitched this up and framed it. Isnt it beautiful?:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

missing usb.

So this morning I got up and decided to take pictures of the nursery.

Well, I turned the camera on, took one picture and it died -__- But I thought to myself, no problem - just charge it (mind you, I havent charged it since I moved in to this apartment.) But bad news, I CANT FIND THE USB TO CHARGE IT :( uggghhh So it loooks like I have to buy a new one because its no where to be found. If I go in to labor without my camera I'll cry !!!!!

Tomorrow my goal is to get a USB and finish taking the pics so I can upload them here.
We'll see how that goes!

Currently, I'm having crampss! Hopefully this means I'll go into labor soon lol

Thursday, September 8, 2011

everyday i'm shuffling.

so schools been great! i'm ahead, with my grades being close to perfect. So if the baby comes, I won't be stressing about being behind .. hopefully.
right now im watching Two & a Half Men, and its actually really funny =) i wonder how it is with ashton kutcher instead of charlie sheen. cus charlies friggin funny!
anyways, these two videos are awesome. one is my favorite commercial, i think its cute and hilarious. its mouse and the characters of halo shuffling! which makes it funny cus i see them everyday when armando plays it, and theyre not dancing - theyre shooting and killing lol and the other is the actual music video to the song.

I remember shuffling with my friends at like a party or something (obviously when i wasnt pregnant!) and it used to be so fun lol i never thought it would actually become popular.


Lilypie First Birthday tickers