Monday, December 12, 2011

Sung to Sleep.

 Ayleen has a little boombox in her room that is on 24/7, since she came home from the hospital. We have different C.Ds we use, like a spanish lullabies, lullaby instrumentals, classic Bethoven, and others. 

This month of December I have pulled out my Christmas CDs and have filled her room up with Christmas spirit! We have played Whitney Houston, Destinys Child, and Jaci Velasquez. I am still on the hunt for more CDs, but for now she has those. 

Its pretty cool because we can hear the music through the monitor in our room, so Armando and I are always sung to sleep too haha. It works for us, and this way the baby is used to music and noise while she sleeps. 

Happy December,

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