Friday, July 20, 2012

Spaghetti Face

Today I took off from work so that I can set her up at her new daycare, Chesterbrook Academy!
I love love love this preschool. In another post I'll talk all about it!

Aside from that, I took Aly to a developmental screening where they test the baby in different areas, as well as asking me questions on her behaviour and what she does regularly. As I expected, shes doing really well! The lady was actually surprised that she talks so much lol I guess thats the Cuban in her lol

Tune in tomorrow! I'm off to sleep. Aly is knocked out cold and its time for me to do the same, lol.
God bless!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First Timers: Beach Day!

The day of my birthday, my mom and I decided to take baby Ayleen to the beach for the first time!
We had breakfast there and then played in the sand for a few minutes. 

:) Sorry for not updating this often.
I'm trying my best!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers